ICR's blog

Revelation and Inspiration: Paranormal Phenomena in Light of the Kundalini Paradigm

This article Revelation and Inspiration, by G. Philippe Menos and Karen A. Jones Menos explores Revelation and Inspiration as paranormal phenomena in light of the Kundalini hypothesis.
It examines what some ancient and esoteric traditions tell us about these phenomena, including an interpretation of symbols surrounding Hermes/Thoth (Ancient Egypt), Vak (India), Quetzalcoatl/The Feathered Serpent, (Mayans of Mesoamerica), and Merlin (British Isles).
Historical examples of Revelation, inspiration, creativity, and genius include Mozart, Beethoven, Nostradamus, Mohammad, Newton, Neo-Platonists, Gopi Krishna, Shakespeare, Lu Chi, Goethe, Pascal, Nietzsche, Sri Aurobindo, Guru Nanak, Picasso, Einstein, and Milarepa.

Webinar: What is Enlightenment?

For those who are looking for a simple, logical, concise explanation of what it means to be enlightened, the Emerging Sciences Foundation recently posted a Youtube video of a webinar presented by Michael Bradford on this topic. The physiological mechanism that brings about this state is also discussed, as well as the physical and personality traits that are associated with this state.

For those who are interested in exploring these ideas in more depth, two of Michael’s recent ICR newsletter articles – The New Paradigm, and Prana and Kundalini: Aspects of Shakti have now been posted in the Research section of this site.

The Illumination of Dr. Bucke

It is with great anticipation that we have waited to see the publication of Susan Maynard's book, "The Illumination of Dr. Bucke". Many years ago Susan came to our annual ICR conference and presented her in-depth study of Dr. Bucke in a slide presentation, which gave a beautiful overview of his life and theory about the evolution of consciousness. To say the least it was outstanding. The ideas that Bucke expressed in his book "Cosmic Consciousness" have had a great impact on many people. In fact his book has continued to be re-printed for over 100 years. Gopi Krishna researched Bucke as well and was delighted to see the complimentary aspect of Bucke's writings with the Kundalini theory that he was proposing to the scientific community.

This book takes us on an interesting journey through the life of Dr. Bucke, his early years, his illumination, his understanding about the evolution of consciousness and the great influence that Walt Whitman, imprinted upon him.

We celebrate Susan's family for their loving devotion and continued efforts to publish and distribute this new and important book, which is now a part of Susan's special legacy. The "Illumination of Dr. Bucke" can be ordered from their website and the actual slide presentation can also be viewed there.

Literalism and the “Panorama of Creation”

In his books, the English author Patrick Harpur suggests that modern western consciousness lacks perceptive subtlety.... A further key implication of Harpur's thought is the idea that the creative human imagination is a perceptive faculty, a means of seeing and transforming the world.... He believes that Western culture's difficulty in grasping the idea that reality has many dimensions beyond the literal world of material science is the result of a kind of soul blindness, an inability to develop the imagination.

Kundalini: The Biological Basis of Religion & Genius: Walt Whitman

In this newly posted research article we look into the life of Walt Whitman as an example of an awakened Kundalini. Through Whitman's poetry we explore
the particular characteristics of an awakening, presented by Gopi Krishna and R.M.Bucke. It is our hope that the research articles presented on this website will inspire you to do your own research into the lives of mystics and geniuses throughout the world. We are always looking for research articles that can be posted on the website or submitted to qualify for our Research Honorarium.

Getting Beyond Our Current Thinking

Read the complete submissions from our readers - addressing what "we the people " can do to mitigate the current troubling world events/conditions - that were too lengthy to include in the hard copy version of our Winter 2013 newsletter. Rumi offered this advice: "Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself."

Metaphysical Energy and the Evolution of Popular Consciousness

In this article, Brian West expands on his previous contribution - Kundalini and Modern Myth

Kundalini and the Modern Myth

Brian West sheds light on the relationship between modern myths (sci-fi, comic books, movies, etc.) and Kundalini. Commentary on Kripal's ground-breaking title "Mutants and Mystics" and Gopi Krishna's Kundalini Thesis

Kundalini: Reflections of the Inner Light

ICR is proud to present the documentary "Kundalini: Reflections of the Inner Light" by director Vladimir Kabelik. The film chronicles the powerful effects of Kundalini in the lives of individuals who have experienced and studied it.

Welcome to the New ICR Website!

In an effort to provide better information about the Institute for Consciousness Research and Kundalini, and to engage the public, we just launched our new website! Here are some of the highlights...


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